As an entrepreneur, you know who your ideal customer is. You probably have a profile that details their demographic and personal information. You might even have market research to confirm these details. Understanding your website visitors can be a little bit trickier, though. These people are potential customers, but they might not be your target audience. That’s why it pays to use certain tools and techniques to scrutinize the performance of your websit. Whether it’s with analytics or PDF editing tools, the Independence Chamber of Commerce wants to help you learn more about how to better understand web visitors by monitoring the performance of your website.
1. Analyze Metrics
Web performance metrics offer raw data that can provide insights into your site’s visitors — where they are located, how they found your site, and how long they stayed on certain pages. Performance metrics can also reveal how many visitors your site sees. Analyzing these metrics will likely offer some insights into your visitors — including how you can turn them into customers.
2. Assess Quality
As you analyze your web performance data, you might find that certain pages of your site perform well, while others do not. This may be an indication of the quality of your content. According to Zippia, 94% of visitors to a website are likely to leave if the site’s design is subpar. You need to assess the quality of each page’s design and content.
3. Track Traffic, Use PDFs
Tracking where web visitors come from isn’t just an effective way to identify potential markets for growth. It’s also vital to protect customers from a security breach. Many websites will experience a spike in uncharacteristic traffic immediately before a DDoS attack. This can put customers’ sensitive information at risk, but you can utilize an encrypted PDF to prevent this. Using PDFs on your site is a great idea because they can be password protected to prohibit unauthorized access. You can also use an online PDF editor to rotate, merge and subtract from PDF files, as well as easily download them.
4. Identify Incentives
The ultimate goal of any web performance analysis is to turn website visitors into paying customers. Even the best websites often have low conversion rates, though. You can gain insight into visitors’ needs by identifying the incentives that successfully trigger conversions. Many visitors are motivated by discount codes, for example, that can be immediately applied when checking out.
5. Monitor Keywords
Keywords offer yet another important source of information when you’re trying to understand your website visitors. A comprehensive web performance analysis should include details about keyword searches that lead to your site. Live About explains that analyzing these keywords will help you see what prospective customers are searching for — literally. This is also the best way to identify untapped potential in your marketing strategy.
6. Invest in SEO
Your website is often the first impression that prospective customers have of your business. It’s vital, then, that you leverage this impression to engage visitors and generate sales. Developing an SEO strategy is an effective approach to achieving this. Search engine optimization uses specific keywords and data to boost your site’s ranking in customers’ search results, so the ability to monitor keywords will improve your overall SEO strategy.
Tailor Your Site to Prospective Customers
When you’re crafting your business’s website, you want to ensure that it’s user-friendly and attractive to visitors. Without web performance data, though, it’s impossible to assess whether your efforts are successful. You can tailor your site to prospective customers by monitoring its performance, including keywords, traffic, and the quality of its content.